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The latest advancement in lip filler treatments
Have you always wished for fuller lips and want a natural pout? Have you noticed as you have gotten older that your lips do not look as attractive and smooth as they once did? Do you have thin lips with lines? Has smoking left vertical lines around your lips?
Lines in and around your lips and a loss of fullness in your smile can make you look older. At Isabella Medical Beauty Spa, lip fillers are used to restore your natural, youthful appearance and improve self-confidence.
What can lip fillers accomplish?
The aim of lip fillers is to provide a beautiful, symmetrical, and healthy appearance for the patient. Most dermal fillers last between 4 and 9 months and with repeat treatments can be built up to last longer and longer. Full lips with a clearly defined border have been associated with beauty and youth for centuries. The perceived perfect lip size has varied through different eras and cultures, but there has always been a trend for plumper lips.

How long do Lip Filler lasts?
Lip fillers usually last between four and nine months depending on several factors including your metabolism, how much filler you get, and the product used. Repeat treatments can lengthen produce longer-lasting results.
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